First Responder Agencies
get a FREE two month trial, apply now:
By submitting a free trial request, you will be contacted by a member of our sales team to build your system and confirm your agency specifics.

Improve response times with IamResponding an end-to-end emergency response system used by +10,000 agencies. Critical response features and data available to first responders include:
- Mobile Dispatch Alerts
- Real-time 911 caller location
- Real-time responder and apparatus tracking
- Interactive mapping with hydrant locations
- Rail emergency data: location, cargo contents including hazardous materials & ERG best practices
- Medical profiles, telematics data and more!



More complete, more informed and safer crews out faster.
Unlock access to data like never before
with our new integration from RapidSOS. When an emergency comes in, you’ll be equipped with rich-incident data like location, health profiles, vehicle telematics, alarm information and more.
”IamResponding is one of the most important tools we use every day at our station.
Ken ShulerFire Chief
Fully integrated solution
IamResponding covers all your dispatch communication, incident coordination and department management needs. All on a fully redundant back-end network with zero system downtime for the past 8+ years.
and alerts
Simple, all
inclusive pricing
- Unlimited users and devices
- All features included
- Starting from $300/year